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Click here, call or visit our Constituency Office in Cranbrook for Passport application services.

Adult General Passport

To apply for an adult passport, you must be:

  • a Canadian citizen and
  • 16 years of age or older

Items you will need to bring with you:

  • Original Birth Certificate (or Canadian Citizenship Card)
  • Driver’s License or Health Card
  • If you are applying with a married surname, a copy of the marriage certificate is required
  • A guarantor (a person with a valid Canadian Passport who has known you for two years)
  • 2 Passport Photos

If you cannot bring a guarantor with you they will need to complete three things before you can submit your application

  • Fill out and sign the guarantor section of the application
  • Sign the back of one of your photos
  • Sign a copy of your driver’s license or health card (both front and back)

For the Adult General Passport Application Click Here

Adult Simplified Renewal

To renew your Canadian passport, your current passport must:

  • not be damaged
  • not have been reported lost or stolen
  • have been issued with a 5-year or 10-year validity
  • have been issued when you were at least 16 years of age
  • have the same name, date of birth and place of birth you want on your new passport
  • have the same gender identifier you want on your new passport (either printed on your current passport or the observation sticker)
  • have expired on or after February 1, 2019

Items you will need to bring with you:

  • Completed Renewal Application (application below)
  • 2 New Passport Photos
  • Bring your current passport

For the Simplified Renewal Application Click Here

Child Passport

You can only apply for a child’s passport if you’re

  • one of the child’s parents (if you’re not separated or divorced)
  • the parent who has custody of the child (if you are separated or divorced) with the correct documentation
  • the child’s legal guardian, with the correct documentation
    • Include all legal documents proving your legal guardianship of the child.

Each legal parent or guardian should sign the application form. We may contact the other legal guardian or parent.

Items you will need to bring with you:

  • Original Birth Certificate, if this is the first application for the child the Birth Certificate needs to be the long form which indicates the child’s parents names.
  • Have new photos (available on site)
  • a completed Child’s Passport Application (below)
  • If there are any custody agreements, a copy should be included
  • 2 Passport Photos

For the Child’s Passport Application Click Here

Payment Methods and Costs

Adult Passports: 10 years $160, 5 years $120

Children’s Passport: $57

Passport Payments are only by Credit Card or Money Order/Certified Cheque made out to the Receiver General for Canada  (Please note Visa Debit Cards and Debit Cards are not accepted)

Reporting lost, stolen, inaccessible, damaged or found passports

What to do if your passport is lost or stolen outside of Canada

Report the loss or theft to the nearest Government of Canada office abroad 

Other helpful travel advice:

Recommended consent letter for children travelling abroad

Travel Advisories

Advice for Travelling abroad

Advice for Travelling Requesting Emergency Assistance while abroad