Service Canada's Response to the Canada Post Strike - see NEWS tab

Canada Summer Jobs Update from Service Canada

The ongoing labour disruption is affecting the delivery of certain programs and services across the country and impacting Service Canada’s ability to respond to incoming inquiries related to the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program at the moment.

With this in mind, following are updates and various steps taken by Service Canada, regarding the Canada Summer Jobs program to help alleviate the current situation:

  • All successful employers have been notified of their approval and provided with an information package setting out the terms of their agreement, level of funding approved and explaining the program reporting requirements.
  • The list of approved employers is here: Canada Summer Jobs – (
  • Also, given the possibility that certain Service Canada staff are not available, approved employers have been instructed to redirect their inquiries to CSJ generic mailboxes.
  • Service Canada is making every effort to finalize CSJ agreements and process advance payment requests once youth are hired by employers as quickly as possible.
  • Given the uncertainty of the duration of the labour dispute, the next phases of CSJ investments may be delayed.