Service Canada's Response to the Canada Post Strike - see NEWS tab
We are thankful that the government kept hardware stores open to provide an economic lifeline for our country during a period of uncertainty. We are thankful for the wisdom displayed by health authorities to keep grocery stores open so that families could be fed. And we are thankful that fitness centres were opened safely to keep us physically healthy. Indeed, the health crisis has taken its toll on Canadians with mental health on the decline while depression, addiction and suicide are on the rise. There is a growing number of people who need help. These individuals may have a roof over their heads, have the ability to put food on the table and even look after their physical well-being, but many are suffering from pandemic related mental health issues and a level of desperation that lends itself to depression, addiction and suicide. Places of worship, and community organizations, have for centuries provided a place of solace for those in need. Given that need is escalating and given that many places of worship have the ability to safely provide help to those in need, including their own members and parishioners; MP Morrison is calling on Provincial and Federal governments to re-open places of worship so that they may be positioned to offer the help that is so desperately needed.
“It does not make sense to me to not be able to have folks go and worship. People attending places of worship will need to sanitize their hands, stay socially distant and mask up the same as they would anywhere else. We have proven that there are safe ways to open other essential services and there is a way to make attending places of worship safe as well. I am hoping that common sense will prevail where the Health Minister instructs the Province to allow worship to take place in a safe manner.” ~ Rob Morrison, MP